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Question Need help Nutrasilver by ms112233 ..... Colloidal Silver Forum

Date:   8/29/2009 2:23:19 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   9,355


I need some help please. My Naturopath did a Visual Test on me for toxins. I tested postive and have been exposed to alot of mold. They went ahead and told me to go on Nutrasilver and work up slowly. So I want to know is Nutrasilver good for fungal bacterial parasite etc?

Also I am assuming it kills the good bacteria, so what should I use to put back the good bacteria. They told me to take a product called Orthoboitics. Anybody heard of it? It doesn't make sense to me that if it does kill the good bacteria then how do you get the good bacteria implanted if the stuff kills it? This is confusing to me.

I am changing my diet and slowly trying to do things to improve my poor health.

Thanks for the help.

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