lol "crunch n munch"...Re: efficiency in cleansing & quality of herbs by healinginHiswings ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 7/9/2009 4:37:25 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 3,437
A perfect description...
Yes, I have seen a lot of unusual things evacuate- definitely Unidentified Foreign Objects. I've gotten a lot of small pieces of mucous out that look like... sorry folks... slugs. Black plastic corn flakes that look like Teflon coating. Pieces of rubber rope. Black chewing gum looking stuff. Of course the jello, which is part Slippery Elm, and part "dunno." But I've never gotten the seaweed thing out you're describing. I don't know if everyone has it in there, or if only some people do. What do you think?
Did you notice parasites in the gunk? Because Dr. Christopher said something about parasites actually being a blessing to us because they...ok, more gross stuff, y'all, but you need to know this stuff if you intend to help anybody else... the parasites burrow into the mucoid plaque/casing of the intestines and create tunnels for our food nutrition to get through the plaque and into our intestinal walls and on into our bloodstreams. If they didn't, we'd all starve to death from a lack of assimilation, because the nutrients just can't get through that garbage.
These guys were brilliant. They worked and worked and worked to find out what brought results and what didn't. Dr. Christopher wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't work with anybody who ate meat or any other kind of animal products or processed foods. Personally, I like meat. It's that Texas culture thing. I'm coming around to the whole sensitivity to animals consciousness, but that's not my main reason for not eating meat any more. It's because I have worked very hard (and still do) to cleanse, and I've seen all kinds of things be purged out. As you said, all these animal products, pizza and the like, take forever to digest, and our bodies have to slow down to digest all of it before it can think to continue cleansing.
When everything is flowing right, I can feel it. I feel good. I have lots of energy, my mood is happy, I can move my body faster and more efficiently, I feel like taking on new challenges, my mental clarity is incredible, and my spirit just soars. But if I flop at something,I feel clunky and out of sorts. The people around me feel the energy difference (I guess) and are more likely to react negatively.
So yeah. Absolutely. What you said. :)
People, this isn't airy fairy California stuff. It works, and y'all need to be taking it seriously.
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