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Re: Answers, solutions & questions for SOG25 by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   6/9/2009 5:35:44 AM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   2,407

All of your symptoms and issues cannot be separated from each other (candida, bowel health, fecal odor, food reactions , parasites and the liver/kidney compromise that is inevitable).

It is my opinion that it would be a VERY expensive losing battle to attempt to treat them all separately, as every system of the body affects every other...and from what you are telling me, you have a full body/organ compromise.

Your candida & food reactions will be addressed when on this 'full body program' adequately & successfully, but especially in your condition I know it CANNOT be done successfully without a quality juicer, juice fasting, and the entire/full program. You would start be juicing the fruits & vegetables you can tolerate (and when you're taking the antifungals that this program requires along with the juicing and other protocols), you will stop having reactions very quickl. BUT that will entail a juicer, several hundred dollars a month for produce to juice, and around five-seven hundred dollars a month for the herbs & cleansing products (and accessories) you would require. It's expensive, yes...but nothing like the hospital/medical/pharmaceuticals bills that you're likely to start having relatively quickly. And that kind of treatment won't actually heal you at all :(

If you would like me to talk to your mother or father via telephone, and they are interested in talking to me and gathering more information, let me know. BUT before I talk with them OR answer any more of your questions, in order to be effective, I need SPECIFIC ANSWERS to ALL of the questions I already asked you.

On a diet of lima beans (frozen or fresh) and rice, with the compromise you have in your colon, I do not feel you can get better, and I would expect you to continue to worsen. There's really nothing I can offer in way of treating each individual symptom/issue individually, as I do not believe it's possible to heal the body that way...especially with a body as compromised as yours.

This program (done the way I feel you need to do it) is a 14-16 hour a day "job"...and you WILL need the support of a close friend or someone in your family.

I wish I could "answer quickly" and be of more assistance here on the forum, but I feel your issues are FAR too complex for "quick answers"...and I feel I would need to talk to your mother or father in order to explain what is necessary. So if they want to talk to me, let me know...and we'll take it from there.



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