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Re: Digestive issues and weight gain~~ by moveme ..... Iodine Support & Discussion: Seaweed, Kelp, Lugols etc.

Date:   5/16/2009 3:30:50 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   2,416

I know how you feel with not being able to lose weight. I just had my Thyroid retested and it is all screwed up. My TSH was very high.
One thing you might check on is a wheat allergy. I have a gluten enteropathy or celiac disease. Before I found out I was always hungry because I wasn't absorbing any nutrients. In fact exercise made me ravenous. I had severe constipation but diarhea is also a symptom. I suspect a lot of people have issues with wheat and just don't know. There is a ton of info on the web about it.
I like you have had so many symptoms that I am a Doctors nightmare. Good Luck and God Bless!

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