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Re: Amazing TED from EarthClinic by freebohemian1 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   3/25/2009 4:54:56 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits:   5,379

Hello Ted:
I have a million thanks to give you. I found you out of desperation 10 days ago, after I had my second endoscopy. I have been suffering for almost 5 years with acid reflux, gerd, stomach pain, constipation, and anything else in the book. Lastly, the doctor found "Multiple Polyps" everywhere within my stomach. So many he said, that he did not know which ones to cut to send to the lab(biopsy). As I waited for 7 agonizing days for the results, I started your treatment, based on 3 drops of bloodroot tincture, sabila juice, 1 tbs cramberry stract + xylitol, 2tbs apple cider vinegar, sodium bicarbonate+ 2 tbs lemon juice: also, I eliminated sugar, white flour, sour foods, and dairy products. My diet has become completely based on soy products, vegetables and corn. Also brown rice and lots of water. I also included B complex, which I drink, and 500 mg Vitamin C a day. I feel much better, and the feeling of the food coming back from through my throat has almost disapear. I still have trouble with my digestion, but not as bad. The bloating is still there, but not as bad either. For that I take the baking soda and limon juice. I have done this 5 days straigth, which I stopped for 2 days out of the week, as you mentioned. How long do I have to continue with this treatment? My goal is that all of those polyps will come off for sure. I have not taken none of the medications the doctor prescribed, eventhough he was aware that prevacid, omeprazole and others were the drugs that caused me this problem. I'm very grateful I found out about you, your knowledge and wisdom are a God'send gift for people like me. Thank you. Please if you can make some time, write me back, as I have some more questions. Bless you always, and thank you gain.

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