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Re: Lets be doctors for once! War-against-BO|BB by Desperadonyc5 ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   6/20/2008 8:44:45 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   7,105

Yes, I have completed about 18 Liver Cleanses so far and have released a tremendous amount of stones of all colors and sizes. I am on a mission to do as many as it takes to get rid of stones, flukes and parasites. I have expelled lots of parasites which I believe congested my liver. In addition, having mercury, lead and candida in my system have contributed to the odor.

I use castor oil on the liver area and apply a heating pad for about 2 hours in the evenings. I've done this about 10 times and afterwards when I did a liver cleanse the stone were much smaller. I have also used castor oil on my face, neck, torso and legs before sitting in the sauna for 30 minutes. Before entering I drink about 16 ounces of ozonated steam distilled water. So I do believe that the Edgar Casey method of using castor oil packs works in detoxifying our organs. I haven't completed a month yet and my goal is to do this for 90 days or until my liver can handle onions and garlic.

Just recently I discovered that when I eat sulfur rich foods, the odor is extremely strong because mercury binds to sulfur which my liver cannot handle. Consequently eating onion, garlic are major no-no's for me. I thought I had TMAU, but the test results came back negative. So I eat low sulfur foods like squash, fennel, celery... I do not consume sugar, red, or white meat, or seafood.

If within 90 days, the odor has not stopped and I still cannot eat sulfur rich foods, I will go another 90 days. That is how strongly I believe in Far Infrared Sauna and castor oil packs. Plus this is the least expensive way I know to detox because it shouldn't cost a fortune to detox our bodies. I am sure you would agree.

If you have any other questions, let me know.



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