Re: VX please explain "juicy liver" by vx ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 6/11/2008 4:00:14 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 5,872
I think you misunderstand. We were talking about immune system boosters, not cleanses. Cleanses are important. I think everyone with Candida should do a (good) parasite, bowel, kidney, and especially liver cleanses. I've done all of the above and have especially promoted parasite and Liver Cleanses here in the Candida Forum almost non-stop.
>>shes had 15 years of high sucess doing this she uses herbs for the liver and
Why are you discounting my first hand experience before even understanding what I'm saying? Why do people rant and rave about things they haven't even tried yet?
Btw, your naturopath follows my basic strategy.
>>then candida everyones differnent and your way dsnt mean the best for you but not for everyone
He asked what we thought about colostrum and I gave my best answer.
If you just want to listen to your uncle and naturopath, don't bother reading message boards for other opinions if it bothers you.
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