Re: more cilantro info/toxins by #87980 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 5/13/2008 10:07:53 AM ( 17 y ago)
Hits: 1,611
I've been reading enough that some of this is making sense to me. Interesting site.
What doesn't make sense to me it the alphabet soup DMSA & DMPS. I'm personally in favor of dumping acronyms and getting rid of anything but latin names for herbs.
What is with sulphur in detox? I don't have a problem with mercury, but I'm in big trouble with flouride, bromide, and probably chlorine, plus cadnium from my job. I've never had a filling, lots of floride, perfect teeth. I've always eaten a lot of cilantro, no problem there, I can make fresh salsa soon, we've almost finished our kitchen, and I will have no trouble figuring out a way of eating enough cilantro, garlic onion, and tomatoes to detox myself. It sounds a lot better than growing wheatgrass, which I bet just doesn't taste as good as salsa. (I am going to try wheatgrass powder and barley powder to start, and I am investigating growing both) I wish I could use bamboo, I have tons of it because I love the way it looks. Trust me you don't have to get stuck with cilantro pesto (Ugg!!!).
How does chlorela work? I know that algae can filter out heavy metals in contaminated aquifers, I don't understand how dead algae can help me. How does it absorb contaminents? This is an interesting site, I know I've gotten way too much pesticide and haevy metal in me, or I wouldn't have the parasite problem.
Which I really want gone.
Any input?
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