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How I healed my rectal prolapse without surgery by Naturalist ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   2/18/2008 4:19:37 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   47,979

Oxygen therapies:
Ozonated water
Rectal insufflations
Ozone Sauna
Hyperbaric chamber
H202 baths...I did one a week
Infrared Sauna: It is a form of oxygen therapy. Heat increases
blood flow. Increased blood flow means more oxygen to the body.

Keep your colon clean through colon cleansing.
I like Dr. Schulze 's formula #1 and formula #2.
Take salt water enemas. Colonics. Coffee enemas.

Do parasite and liver cleansing. parasites are often a
problem in rectal prolapse. They were a big problem for me.

I would recommend removing grains from your diet...
especially wheat and other gluten grains. (Mycotoxins
are also a concern when eating grains.) Eat a
nutrient dense diet. You need to reestablish your
good digestive flora. This is a must. Something you
must do for life. Eat fermented foods especially goat
milk or coconut water kefir, beet kvass, fermented
vegetables and goat yogurt. I also recommend kombucha.
Heal your immune system.

Exercise: Walking, rebounding, stretching.
(I know this isn't easy...especially the
rebounding and of course walking was a
problem too.)
Hold your stomach muscles in then release them.

Dry skin brushing.

Lymphatic cleansing is required. You will obtain
this through walking, rebounding, and dry skin brushing.

Drink lots of pure water

Bathe in nonchlorinated water

EFT for your emotional issues


I also water fast. There is nothing more healing.

Treat your body as a whole. Yes you can heal your
prolapsed colon without surgery. It took me 2 years to
completely heal mine. Never give up! You can heal
your colon.

Wishing You Abundant Health!

P.S. You might want to read the books:
1. You Can Regain the Vitality of Your
Colon Health. By Norman W Walker
2. The Colon Health Handbook
by Robert Gray
3. The Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin
4. Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
Check out The Weston Price Foundation
and you might also enjoy reading some
of Dr. Bernard Jensen 's books and other
books by Norman Walker.


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