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Re: is anyone out there? by niceonegeezer ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   1/22/2008 7:35:38 PM ( 17 y ago)
Hits:   3,910

i have been a sufferer for a long time and tried a lot of things.
I have got really good results from fasting but i think that the most dramatic results i have got in such a short amount of time has been from the mms.
since taking it i have had a lot of watery stools and passed a lot of weird looking things in the toilet.
The mms has definetly gotten rid of a shitload of parasites and candida.
I did get a lot of die off at first and was quite nauseus and felt really tired and emotional from the dieoff but now when i wake up i have no brain fog and feel a lot mentally clearer.
before i was constipated quite a lot without the aid of colon cleansers and fibre.
It is a bit inconvenient the watery stools and going to the toilet each time but each time i go i feel relief and calmer and im getting better and better each day.
its also the cheapest thing ive tried compared to the years of stuff i was buying, all the supps and cleansers, this seems to do everything.
My bottle was 12 bucks u.s and is suppossed to last up to 2 years.
bloody fantastic if u ask me.
i know a lot of people are wary of these kind of miracle cures and it does get so disheartening with this condition, trying new cures, getting your hopes up only to be let down and still have the problem.
and believe me i have tried EVERYTHING.

definetly cut out wheat and dairy, and alkalize your bod with the mms as candida and pathogens cant live in an alkalized invironment and thrive in an acidic one.
also drink a lot of green powder drinks to alkalize too.
my tongue is pink from taking the mms and i have heaps more energy.
it used to be white and id get brain fog and so fatigued and feel like crap from eating.
mms cleans all the nastiness and unsavory shite out.
i am actually feeling more normal and normal each day.
im getting my old self back which i thought id lost a long time ago from this mentally, crippling diorder.


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