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Re: I was NOT LOSING HAIR TILL I STARTED IODINE by hopinso ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   10/8/2007 11:44:09 AM ( 18 y ago)
Hits:   4,617

Sadly, for some people hair loss is part of detoxification. For me, my hair loss nightmare was with a parasite cleanse. I had been doing a lot of cleanses, colon, Master Cleanse, Liver Flushing were the main ones. When I began the Parastroy after passing an 18 inch long Tapeworm my hair began falling out by the handfuls. I would stand in the shower and cry as I removed yet another fist sized wad of hair from the drain.

The pores that have the hair follicles are sites of detoxification, as are the sweat glands. When toxins are expelled through these pores hair often becomes loosened and falls out. However, the hair follicle is not damaged and hair will grow back. I know its hard, but things should improve when either your body is cleansed or you quit (working at) detoxing. I spent a couple of years looking like I had a Brillo pad sprouting from my head as the new hair came in, but things are better now. My hair is much thicker and I am generally happy with it.

I have come to believe that massive hair loss may be a sign the body is detoxing too rapidly. You may need to radically slow down or even quit Iodine for a while if you are convinced its the source of your problem. Have you done the necessary liver, colon and kidney cleanses to make sure the typical channels of elimination are open? If not, try going off Iodine for a couple of months and work on getting your excretory systems cleansed, do some dry skin brushing to get the lymph flowing, avoid greasy lotions that might block the skin's pores.

I strongly believe that if this is an issue with the Iodine and a toxic body, you can take steps to reverse the problem and regain your crowning glory. If it is caused by another problems, lack of nutrients or a physiological problem, then more aggressive steps will need to be taken.

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