18 y
Re: Something to treat acne please...
If your
Acne is caused by demodex, zz will get rid of them-
I had mild
Acne from the time I was in high school until I was 45. At that time my face started breaking out like crazy due to fatty liver disease. I cleansed my liver and gall bladder, which helped a lot. But I was back to mild breakouts all the time instead of horrible bumps everywhere.
I then learned that most
Acne is caused by face mites called demodex and used zz to get rid of them completely. It took eight months of applying zz twice daily for my face to finally clear. After that, I had to use zz every other day to stay clear. If I hugged somebody with acne and their cheek touched mine, I'd get a pimple.
I now use Ponds cold cream to prevent the acne causing mites from coming back. Ponds apparently suffocates face mites before they have a chance to burrow under the skin and lay their eggs, causing the pimples.
At least that is my hypothesis.
All I know for sure is, it works. My face has been completely clear for months now, and I no longer need the zz. Ponds is a whole lot less expensive. Just clean your face with the cold cream at night, and use the moisturizer in the morning. Other brands of Cold Cream might work too. I haven't tried them.