with your questions you started a storm in my head
with thoughts,sure-aties,remembrances.
as i can not type a mile a minute,
quite the opposite,it will have to wait for now
maybe within hours,maybe days
i can tell you this much now,in my heart
there is no preference,favoratism for any one nation,People
my father and i,years ago,watching the news,hearing about israelies
breaking the bones of palestinians
we did not speak,buth i saw it broke his heart for the so maniest time
(my father having been in jail in those years for "crimes"against the "reich"
we never discussed that,what is there to discus?an unspeakable crime
a random thought out of many,
when i learned that the european union has to pay for the rubble and
misery they left in libanon last year,i feel indignation.
when i see jews,on tv complaining about semitism,i am perfectly free
in my country and i am very sure in germany as well to say;
"hold it right there"you are being overly sensitive here,now
and paranoide(i really think they are and (can understand that))
and not be thrown in jail,or looked upon as an anti-semetist myself,
anyway i would not care if they did.
1/3-1/2way done