hi 544
Anne Frank diary;the fact that many people claim it to be a forgery
does not make it so.
my mentioning your age was my stupid mistake.But now that you say you are
not (that) "young" you could know better
i should not have mentioned country either,after all,their seem to be quite
a lot of neo-nazis in Germany,(Austria and other countries ) on the rise.
i did not open link founder of..
i did once,and it led to an obviously trashy site were Anne Frank's pen
with which she supposedly wrote her FORGED!!!!!!!?diary was being auctioned??
i'm mentioning this again,after opening that site,i received (government?)
warnings to clean up my computer or "they"? will be keeping an eye on me?
This,despite it is not forbidden to deny the holocaust here.
i have to tell you,in this bicicle stealing,norms fading country it
made my day to discover that decency still exists here,and actually
i felt happy.So,thanks to you, sincerily
do people not wonder why holocaust denial is forbidden
in Germany ?If IT did not happen,would that not be an enormous relief
etc.for them?You think it is all a bankers,masons or whatever conspiracy?
Things should not be this complicated
Anyway, not trying to convince you,as you can not convince me either
2 links nevertheless,for once and all,best to you