Re: alissa cohen has hepatitus.
QUOTE: "because when somebody tells you that they have a sex disease then usually it means it is true. if a man tells you that he has herpes, hepatisis and aids you don't believe him and then you have sex with him, then it is your own fault for not beliveing him and catching hepatitis and aids."
#67558, why don't you get an education? You only know SOME FORMS of Heptitis are transmitted sexually because I TOLD YOU. You previously thought Hepititis was spelled "Hepititus" and said Alissa Cohen must be a herion abuser because according to you "everybody knows that hepatitus is a heroin needle using drug disease. that is how you catch it, from shootting heroin needles in your arm. "
QUOTE: "because you might get her hepatitis if she spit in the food"
Again, THAT IS NOT HOW YOU GET HEPITITIS. You should see the movie 'Philadelphia' sometime. It might teach you something about prejudice.
You have absolutely no right to say about Cohen OR buttcrack. You should be banned from Curezone for slander and harrassment.