19 y
Re: education
I still can't believe why people are so against schools teaching about sex. First I want to break it down. I don't know what other schools teach so I will talk about what my school taught. Firstly we learned how a boys and girl's reproductive organs worked. This is biology firstly. Does anyone have a problem with this biology being taught at school? If so why is it ok to learn how bacteria reproduce? If you have a problem with this you should home school your kid, I guess.
Second that went with the health education is birth control and debuking myths. Most parents grew up in a differnt generation and birth control has changed drastically. Plus I don't think any parent has sat down with their kid and showed them how to put on a condom. have you?
So I would like to know which aspect of sex ed people don't want schools to teach or both?
I also thought I would list positives and negatives of each, feel free to add your own.
Postives of being taught at home:
The child can learn from the people who made them, which is remarkable.
They gain communication w/ rents and trust.
Never happening (No Education!!)
Positives being taught at school:
Get informed through a well educated sourse.
Learn all about birthcontrol.
Some say that this encourages kids to have sex. This is a proven myth!! Only with education can they make good descisions.
I don't see any negatives with sex ed being taught at school. We send kids to get a well rounded education. They need to know how their bodys work and some parents just are not responsible enough to tell them.
What I don't understand is why some people on here are totally against having sex ed in school. What's wrong if both parents and schools teach kids? Makes sense to me. The parents may learn something too. I know I told my mom some things from health class that she did not know.