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Re: LIGHTBRINGER: Biggest Choice
Atalanta Views: 1,738
Published: 19 y
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Re: LIGHTBRINGER: Biggest Choice

But I am honestly and truly perplexed at the thought of someone not careing,knowing,and loving thier own children enough to be involved in thier lives.

It's not that they don't care, it's just that they either don't know how to talk to their kid about sex and are too embarrassed, or don't know about the topic themselves.

Is there any indication that the teaching in schools is being successful?

I can tell you from my own experience that it was very sucessful. I learned a lot, more than my parents even knew about birth control, since they grew up in a different time. They never talked to me about sex! Not becasue they didn't love or care, they just wished there was no such thing. Ignorance is bliss you know!


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