Re: Morality
Dear #59245,
Madame,I would never say that you or your parents lacked morals,and I am sorry if you took it that way. I never talk that way about someone that I know, much less
someone like yourself,whom I have never met. Also I do not make personal attacks. However if I should disagree with you or anyone else,I will discuss the subject matter to the best of my ability.
It seems to me from where I am viewing your past situation,that part of your problem did stem from your parents not discussing the facts of life with you. That does not make them immoral in any way. They just failed in one of thier parenting duties. I don't know how old you are but when I was a kid,sex was very,very seldom talked about in mixed company. TODAY...HA, SEX is every where,there are 5 and 10 year olds that know as much today as I did when I was a teen. But that does not make it right. Look around you...Is there more trouble between the sexes and in families today, than there was just a short 25 years ago? If you are honest with yourself and I think you will be,you will admit that I am right. Years ago when you saw a movie,even married couples were shown in different beds. Now if two people aren't fornicating within the first few minutes then the movie is apt to be a flop. AND I am not talking about husbands and wives I mean any two people,it doesn't matter same sex,opisit sex,just do it. I do not believe that your parents think this is right or moral.
MORAL...Concerned with the principles of right and wrong BEHAVIOR and the goodness or badness of human character. Concerned with or adhering to the code of interpersonal behavior that is considered right or acceptable in a particular society. Also WILL POWER,STRONG MINDEDNESS,STRENGHT OF MIND,STRENGTH OF PURPOSE,STRENGTH,POWER,MORAL FIBER,IRON WILL,A WILL OR MIND OF ONE"S OWN,THE COURAGE OF ONE"S CONVICTIONS.
Madame, I believe that abortion is a family affair,the mother to be,the child to be and very much so the father to be. No woman that I know of ever got pregnant alone,so every has some responsibility to bear.
Madame,I sure hope that I haven't caused you any undue stress. So come,let us reason together. I hope you have a very pleasent week.
I almost forgot. You are so right,I have no clue of what it is like to be a woman. HA! But I have known a few in my time.
Now see,that wasn't so bad ,was it?
Now I will brace myself.
Sincerely I C L
P S I almost forgot again...WE should ALL strive to have INTEGRITY= THAT MEANS DOING WHAT IS RIGHT WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING.