Re:Is this this the Wonder Pill of the Century? Maybe so, do your research!....
For scientic studies read Herbert Bailey's GH3-Will it keep you young longer? Link included gh3book below
For over 50 years of longitudinal real live case studies for Vitacel GH3. GH7, GH8 and now GH9 read testimonials--Home link below.
As we know now with Celebrex, Vioxx and other FDA approved drugs and medicines? Clinical studies are sometimes very misleading!
I would much rather look at long term REAL LIFE case studies to validate any claims. In the case of Gerovital H3, Vitacel GH7, GH8 and GH9 we now have well over 50 years of successfull case studies with a variety of illnesses and disorders with no adverse side effects!
Millions of people in Europe are well aware of the research and evidence. Mike wallace of CBS 60 minutes, actually travelled to Romania in the early 80's to do an investigative report on Dr. Aslan and the amazing anti-aging claims of GH3 helping thousands in her Romanian geriatric clinics.
Thousands in the USA are now becoming aware, and know the truth, thanks to Dr.Koch's D.Sc. revolutionary patented improvements of GH3, with his Vitacel GH7 formula, on the original GH3 formula developed by Dr Ana Aslan MD D.Sc. in her geriatric facilities in Romania.
For real live clinical studies and research, I have included links of the overwelming evidence for anyone that can take the time to read!
All the best to a long healthy life!
Wonder pill investigative report...