Re: No Victims. - but we are still not responsible for other people's actions.
i am undecided about whether there are victims or not. its complicated!
i think to some extent "being" a victim can be extremely useful for our growth - it highlights the pattern and to the point where it can be seen - and then worked with.
also being a victim can be a service to another soul.
there is a thread of compliance in anything that does happen - like we walk down a street, and get raped. but we were only walking down the street - we cannot control other people's actions, and so to that extent, we are not responsible. we are co-creators of the experience in that we experience it. that is the true essense of co-creation. i'm sure there are times when the subconcious, or the soul or some part of goes beckoning for an experience. but not always, i think. while everything may happen because of a choice we have made, the choice may not have been obvious - like the choice to walk down a street may or may not truly have been an unconcious or other choice to be raped at all. it just may have been a choice to walk down the street.
i have been thinking a lot about this and am working on it (in case that's not totally obvious).