I have had my hair tested and almost no silver was present. Not even close to a dangerous amount. If I did, I might use Seagreens, Cilantro, and Pascalite clay to chelate any excess silver but I don't think that will ever happen because I don't overdo it. If I had HIV, I would be using colloidial silver, H202, and intravenous Vitamin C to kill HIV. I know it would work and for pennies. No one makes any big money. I might even try PatriciaM's free plan for making energized water. Big Pharma would love to hire you. Maybe they already have?
I have had my hair tested and almost no silver was present. Not even close to a dangerous or amount. If I had HIV, I would be using colloidial silver, H202, and Vitamin C to kill HIV. I might even try PatriciaM's energized water. I know it would work. Big Pharma would love to hire you. Maybe they have?