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Re: your moons
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Re: your moons

"Be fruitful and multiply is obsolete. Jesus died"

Your foundation is flawed---the best historical record says JESUS NEVER DIED, he was never hanged on a cross.

Jesus had no need to rise again in 3 days---he never died and he WARNED while he was alive that this lie would be spread world wide by the evil people at the time....

Your foundation is a roman empire foundation, there starts your problem.

Of the 16,000 recorded mistakes in history printed in the early bibles----the empire burned the people to death at the stake.. no wonder so many fled europe for the new world.

The popes hated Jesus, they hated Paul, they basically hated God and wanted to be gods and demand their follows call them their father god who speaks on their behalf to God----or $$$$

Those that quote the bibles, need to read many many books written about how the bibles were created; by whom and for what reasons.

JESUS had his book written as did Paul in live time---both of them.

The history of MOSES is quite remarkable as well---a true warrior, master of chemical warfare...

The Book of JESUS is perhaps the best book of them all and the popes had the origions and are said to have burned it before they made the new testament.

THAT SAID--every book ever translated is subject to have been "corrupted" by evil people.

The common bible has so many words about JESUS that make no sense-----the popes were truly drunk, corrupt, killed the 600 monks and then had to alter their bibles many times to satisfy the kings and queens of europe.

The book of JESUS pretty much eliminates the entire old and new testaments----unless people like reading about military history that more than likely has been corrupted...

JESUS covers the beginning up until he left......HE predicted the evil people would lie about his life. Surely the largest "scam" in human history----but "yet", no harm done---GOD understands.



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