Re: Severe reaction too much MMS
Did you activate it?
If not, you need to go to the hospital and tell them what you've taken! - Sodium Chlorite 28%
Based on a rough estimate, it looks as though you may have ingested aprox. 30 drops. And if that's innactivated then it's 30 drops of Sodium Chlorite. This is not good to say the least, and your "friend" should to be held accountable for handing you
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement without proper instructions...
In the meantime, drink plenty of liquids to try and flush as much of the chemical out of your kidneys as possible. Though don't avoid going to the ER if you took innactivated Sodium Chlorite as this is no joke.
Having said that, if you've taken properly mixed
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (activated with a mild acid) and smelled the tell-tail chlorine dioxide gassing off the solution, then you've little to worry about beyond that of having taken too much too soon. And so, your best bet would be to drink plenty of water to flush it out.
Hope this helps