Blog: The Real Cause of All Diseases
by joseph031

Re: My Theory on the Cause of all Diseases

Date:   12/17/2014 12:27:01 AM   ( 11 y ) ... viewed 1725 times

You have missed the most important thing of all. Don't feel bad so has the Industrial Medical Complex and 95% of the people on curezone.

The unfortunate axiom with the conventionals and the alternatives is sadly the very same axiom. Disease is physical, so therefore disease must have physical causes.

100+ years of research into the physical still has not discovered one single cure for the long list of chronic illnesses, no, not one, except for infectious illness and antibiotics.

Nearly all of my clients are careful to eat healthy and to exercise. Some are vegan, some jog 5 miles daily, some just do everything "right". But then why are they ill?

Truth is, the answer just goes over most people's heads, it just can't be. Lets ignore it, lets mock and poopoo those that have really figured it out and are getting real results.

I have posted many times to people looking for answers, I tell them exactly what the issue is. 90% ignore it and go back to the same forum that they have been on for the last 2 years searching for answers that will never come.

There are 3 things people fear the most. Death, other people and facing your own emotions.

But that is the key, the root is facing your own emotions. Some would rather die than do so and so they do die indeed and their fractious noise making misleads far too many to their own misery and possible premature deaths.

The proof is in science itself. The proof is that science keeps looking with their Ponce-de-Leon fanaticism for the secret elixir that after billions spent in trials and studies has failed miserably to find a single cure for any single non-infectious chronic illness.

And alternative medicine is no different.

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