I agree 100%. It would be next to impossible to follow all the FDA regulations. And even worse as you say is the fear of selling a product that may harm someone or that someone may claim harmed them. There are many rules about packaging and what you can legally say about the products. I wouldn't want to live with a cloud over my head.
Here's an example of what's happening to a company that sells some of my favourite products. As soon as anyone claims that their products heal a condition or disease it causes the FDA to class the products as drugs with a whole different set of rules.
What people know / believe about what they're selling is a whole different kettle of fish from what the FDA requires. And in the back of my mind I keep thinking ... but who really knows how a product works and what effects it will have?
I don't even like giving advice when people ask what supplement to take. I don't know enough about the products or the details of the person's condition nor do I have the training or expertise to advise. So I try to stick with what I've tried and what's worked for me.