Re: The Candida Biofilm Horrors Explained
Oh, absolutely.
This whole thing was a wake up call for me. I'm not sure if a perfect immune system would have been enough in itself to fight off the opportunistic infection I had, but it never would have gotten to the point that it did, had I taken better of myself.
I had no idea 90% of this stuff existed until it hit hard.
I thought candida was a fancy word for oral thrush or vaginal yeast infections... i had never had neither one, so I never thought about candida... until the stuff coming out of my body looked like something straight out of a bad sci fi movie. Most of this stuff was identified as candida and it came from my intestines!!! I can not believe I had all that living jnside of me. The medicine I was taking was also making my body expel candida because it stops things living in your body from absorbing glucose. The asthma I had for 26 years has cleared up a lot.. nowhere near cured, but the best it's been in at least 11 years. That leads me to believe that candida is to blame for my asthma and possibly other allergic types of reactions and inflammation that happen in my body that I've been ignoring for years because although I wasn't perfectly healthy, I didn't really feel all that bad either. But I now realize that I had made a lot of mistakes and bad choices and need a major health intervention and diet overhaul before something bad happens again and to get the kids into good habits so they don't need to suffer as adults.
The biggest mistakes were made when I was young... I was fed crap, was very sickly and I grew up in the 80s with an old school doctor who's answer for everything was penicillin. I spent most of my childhood on
Antibiotics for colds and then asthma was triggered by dogs when I was 8 years old... which was dealt with by steroids and more
Antibiotics . Add that to a very bad diet and being under weight as an adult... I'm setting myself up for disaster and my ignorance all these years could have set my kids up for disaster too. Hopefully its not too late to reverse the damage and I'm willing to listen to any advice and try whatever has worked for other people. I appreciate your info and work you put into gathering info. And if it doesn't work for me, then that means I'm missing another piece to my puzzle.