Re: I totally agree with you, Glaxony...........
Mr(s) Get it Clear:
The reason that I ever asked was because I was not clear on the subject(s) of discussion and I wanted to "get clear", as it were.
My concerns were addressed and answered satisfactorily. Please don't bring my name into this discussion in an "it got so bad that..." sense. It didn't, in my opinion. You are misrepresenting my motivation. And the fact that I flat-out asked is a reflection of the fact that I have the utmost respect for the majority of the posters in Trapper's forum.
The subjects(referred to in this thread) discussed on T's forum just don't interest me. I decided quite some time ago that I needed to focus on those interests that not only help me, but possibly help other people. Doing that gives me the most satisfaction.
I choose not to discuss world events, politics, religion, conspiracy, any of that. I don't have time and quite frankly, it depresses me. I'm all for other people discussing whatever they want though. Let them at it! I know that their discussions are not racially motivated although it would certainly seem so due to choice of words. That's what confused me and that is what confuses others. I'm all for naming names. That makes things clear.
You are also misrepresenting some of the finest people on Curezone. Trapper has given countless hours helping people. I consider him one of my best friends. I KNOW him. We talk on the phone on a regular basis and I have even met him in REAL LIFE. He is a fine man and to see him raked over the coals continuously really turns my stomach. So, you and your alts, please just stop. I'm not sure what your motivation is but your history here obviously goes back at least two years.
I am also aghast at the way Newport is continually attacked. He has one of the finest minds on this site and I have learned a helluva lot from him. The thing is, I probably care about this more than he does. I love Newport and I am glad that he is back :)
Aaaaaahhhhh Mikey. I miss Mike and I wish that he would come back. He's a sweetheart with rough edges and his speech reflects that. That does NOT negate the fact though that he has also contributed huge amounts to CZ. Way more good then not. Or seemingly "not".
I don't know JohnG that well as my focus is on health stuff and his is world events. T likes him though so he's got my seal of approval as well. Yeah. That's how much I think of Trapper.
And whoever insulted Corey and Grizz, STOP already! And Glax!
Please. Just. Stop.
You have blown all of this so out of proportion. Questionable choice in words is NOT a capital offense. I got over it and so should you. Thank you and have a nice day.