Dude, I'm only trying too help people like me find a cure, I'm not a fraud
Third year,
I resent that and am not a fraud, nor am I trying too sell anything!!! As you can tell, I'm still trying too figure out a way, how too cure my fecal body odour bro and yes my other title name is Surfer27, but changed it, too another name, not too fool anyone or mislead them or sell them anything, but because, I had a friend on here (FecalBodyOdour), accuse me of some unjustly things, which I won't go into too discuss!! He is no longer a friend of mine, because he had said some very hurtful things about me, too some of my friends here on Curezone!!! Because of being falsely accused dude, this is therefore why, I had too change my title name buddy!!! Anyways, I'm not going too try too explain myself further too you, as I've already told you above, why I had too change my title name and had too do, what I had too do!! I don't sell anything, I only make suggestions, based on the people here, who may have found some relief, whether they did or not, I like yourself, am trying too help people out!!! Whether you believe that or not, that's up too you, but am telling you the truth!! Anyways, take care.