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Re: I come in peace
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Re: I come in peace

I didn't read all of these posts, but the few I've read are so frustrating.
I see where you are coming from James. It is so often the victim that gets the blame placed on them. I've had that happen in my own life.
All this negativity is so ridiculous. We have a man who selflessly gives his time and FREE advice, so concerned with helping people, and now he's even getting slammed by his own followers on this board. I can't do anything about that, I can let you know, James, that the advice you have given me has changed my life. I would be worse off or dead if I had continued with the ridiculous experimentation that so-called Dr's were performing on me. If I had not learned what I have from you, I wouldn't have known to discontinue their treatments (iodine for Hashimoto's, hormone replacement, HC which caused diabetes, injections for so-called metal poisoning, etc). The results I've experienced and blood tests speak for themselves, so if others want to promote harmful treatments and bash you for bringing the truth to light, that's something only they are accountable for.
Anyway, please know, James, that you are so appreciated and to those that are wise enough to listen to you, you've made a huge difference in our lives and well being. Thank you for your selfless giving, it is not overlooked.
God bless,

Thanks for the support Bethany.

I have been ignoring the trolls to see if things calm down.  So far I see they have still been at it all day long twisting what I said, personally attacking me and even one forum owner challenging me to confront me on the Webmaster's Support forum where I cannot even post.  So I doubt if they will ever stop.  Every time in the future I post anything they disagree with it is going to be the same old thing.  They are not going to stop until they make sure they kill and bury me.

It's just such a shame.  Curezone should be a place where people can come to share and receive knowledge on health and where people with different ideas can share those different ideas.  Instead it is more like a few dictators ruling Curezone and they are going to make sure that they control what information gets disseminated regardless if the information is bogus or dangerous.  

Since I present a threat to their belief systems by presenting actual evidence that contradicts their claims they want me gone.  I realize people don't like having their belief systems challenged, but that is life.  They should accept is as a learning experience instead of an attack since it is not a personal attack.  If they want to counter what I have to say then they should be doing it with evidence, not constant personal attacks.

Oh well, as I have pointed out in the past there are ways to get the information out where the controlling groups here cannot censor the information.  As people continue to seek out accurate health information they are going to learn how to use multiple information sources to verify health information and most of Curezone will be left in the dust.

I have already been asked to write health articles for another site and I am thinking seriously about taking them up on it.  But my primary focus right now in writing is my book.  So I guess time will tell.

Take care.



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