Re: I come in peace
Anyone who sees an attack thread like that can copy and paste the link over on one of the Webmaster forums and ask him to erase it. In this case, the forum owner/moderator should already be enforcing TOS. But if they won't, any of us can post and ask Webmaster to hide these offensive posts.
Many of the attacks I have been receiving lately are from a forum owner. Ironically he keeps posting links on the Curezone rules about attacks. I think this is also part of the problem. I have seen several forum owners and moderators that clearly think they are above the rules they want everyone else to follow.
But we should be careful to give the link for the post where the attack first started. Otherwise, the Webmaster will continue to blame the victim. And we can clearly see from the large number of trolls over here that there really is a "lynch mob" out there trying to get rid of Hv because they can't stand having their pet theories challenged.
Yes. Which is why they will not quite until the Webmaster enforces the rules against them as well or I am gone.
Even if I do leave this is not going to stop me from exposing health and healing myths. Therefore, if Curezone becomes an outlet for such information they will simply become the joke of the alternative health movement. I have already seen a lot of people change their attitudes towards certain therapies after they saw the evidence. So not everyone is gullible and some people are searching for credible health information. As these people seek out information for their health they will simply go to sites where they know they can find credible information and different ideas on health can be presented.