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Re: ps
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Published: 13 y
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Re: ps

True... But baiting is against TOS. It's called being a troll.

Yes, but we get in trouble if we call the trolls trolls as well.  If things are really going to ever change around here then there is only one way that is going to occur.  The Webmaster needs to step up for once and start enforcing the rules like they should be.  Not against specific individuals that the Webmaster decides to jump on the bandwagon as well and point the accusatory finger towards.

Imagine how things would be if laws were not enforced where any of us live.  There would be anarchy.  Yet this is exactly what the Webmaster invites when rules are created but no enforced.  I have written to the Webmaster numerous times trying to get the Webmaster to enforce the rules.  And I pointed out to the Webmaster when these attacks are allowed repeatedly they not only escalate but they also encourage more attacks because the perpetrators know that THEY can get away with the attacks.

As I stated earlier I am quite upset that my saved e-mails to the Webmaster about these problems and evidence of these personal attacks were deliberately erased from my folders.  Why would the Webmaster do this unless it was to cover up the evidence of who was really causing the problems then blaming me for their actions.  But luckily I saved the messages off of Curezone.  For example, here is part of one of the messages I sent to the Webmaster:

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