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Re: ps
Hveragerthi Views: 3,500
Published: 13 y
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Re: ps

The New England Journal of Medicine had an article about 4-5 years back that said about 60% of women in the USA suffer with FBD.

Having this herb knowledge can therefore help tens of millions of women, most especially those who are averse to, or don't want to use iodine.

Once we learn of which herbs and how much, we might be able to identify the materials responsible and probably elucidate some theoretical mechanism and look to extend it to other ends, such as perhaps male prostate issues.

Isn't it great that we're able to learn so much from sharing knowledge ?

To the game player,

Instead of sending other people to do your dirty work for you why don't you spend the time you are wasting with these games and spend it actually doing some research.  I already presented most of the herbs.  Now research FBD so you understand how it works then research the herbs so you can see how they apply.

Ah, but you want peer review studies that you already claimed are 90% of the time flawed.  So I guess you just can't win.



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