Re: If you spent more time helping people than attacking others......
A huge hug
from me to James...
and to all that take a break from the fight...
That was a good exercise to appreciate peace...
Realizing that stress is the most important factor that prevent healing, let's leave it out of our healing equation.
There is a saying: There is no way to peace, peace is the way!
I will say: There is no way to healing, healing is the way!
and it starts from being peace!
Thanks LongNhi,
I know I got caught up in the drama they were trying to create for their own goals. And I realize how much of waste of time it was. In the two days I spent defending myself against all their personal attacks I could have gotten a whole lot of writing done. And I really want to spend more time on my book. It has been fun doing the research and I have already learned a lot I had not heard before despite doing research on cancer for over 30 years. So I am really excited about the book, but still have a long ways to go as it is so slow reading through so many journal articles. But I know I can do so much more good getting this book finished than I can defending myself against the barrage of attacks some specific individuals seem to be getting their cheap thrills from.
I have a few other things I am working on as well that will also make a humongous difference. So time to redirect the energy back to the positive and let the people who have been stirring things up play with themselves instead.