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Re: I come in peace
Hveragerthi Views: 1,003
Published: 13 y
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Re: I come in peace

Math may not be my best subject, but it seems as wherever you show up in a thread, in whichever forum, a negative energy is created. I miss the positive information you once had, thats why I posted in the first place.

And I presented evidence that even when I am posting positive and beneficial information on those other forums that here come specific individuals again with the personal attacks.  So why are you continually blaming me when these individuals are the ones that keep starting the personal attacks.  For example, did you see the response I got for posting on the benefits of purslane on the Trapper forum?  This goes back to my original points.  I am not the one that was disrupting the posts.  I was being attacked for posting evidence of things to help people, but I keep being made the Curezone scapegoat.  Nobody seems to want to actually look at the posting history of the others involved to see who is really being disruptive.  It is so much easier for them to simply jump on the bandwagon and blame me.   Here, let me show you some of the posts where I am being attacked even when I am not responding to these individuals:

This one went over the top referring to me as a baby killer

In another post another individual not only calls me a baby killer but also claims I am associated with Satan.

There are plenty more examples.  Try searching Sylvette's posting history for one.  

This is why I get so mad.  I don't see you or anyone else really complaining to these individuals about all their personal attacks and disrupting threads.  Instead, you and others come here to blame me even when I am not even involved in any of these threads.  Nor did I start the attacks and even when I walk away the personal attacks continue by the same individuals you support.  Yet have you posted a complaint on either the Trapper board or the iodine board about the constant personal attacks being started and continued against me?  I sure have not seen you do this.  So why not when I am not the perpetrator?  Why do you and Southern Belle insist on blaming the victim rather than addressing these specific individuals and there constant disruptions and attacks?  Did you even bother to actually look at the evidence of who was really not only starting the attacks but also continuing them?  Or did you decide to take the easy way out and just jump on the bandwagon because these same individuals were also blaming me for their bad behavior?



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