I just read your post written a few hours ago and felt a need to respond to you.
"I also have a suggestion, that I would like to put forward respectfully Webmaster. I would like to suggest, that if there are concerns with the moderation of someone's posts. That there is an avenue to have the decision reviewed.
I realise that people can contact you directly, but this would be an unnecessary burden on you, that could be put to say, a panel of moderators, from diverse forums, (avoiding the cliques that can occur), and have them look at a decision, much like reviewing an umpires decision.
Moderators could also ask others for their help, if they have a particularly sticky decision to make. This has happened to me in the past, and I wished I could have contacted another moderator, to help with knowing what to do........."
Yes, that's an excellent idea, except for one tiny problem: That is exactly how moderating took place many years ago. There was a private e-mail list that all moderators participated in and where in constant communication with one another. Since all moderators knew each other, they often asked others what to do over particular posts. Once a moderator made a decision on a thread though, other moderators had to abide by it ad leave it untouched. In order for there to be new moderators, the older moderators suggested someone and then it was brought up to Dushan and all voted on that person. I personally thought it was a great system, but it was not without its problems. As usual, the biggest troublemakers (and I mean mods here, not regular posters) always got away with being whiny, capricious and abusive. A system was set up whereby three mod judges would preside over contentions between mods. Again, the problem was that even though the judges tried to be partial, there really were still favorites amongst the judges, and so certain injustices continued. The whole thing became extremely frustrating. Ultimately, Webmaster decided to just pull the cord on the whole thing; moderator's private e-mail list, inner communications, judges - everything! From then on, no one really knows the exact number of moderators on CZ, their identities, what they cover, etc. I personally strongly disliked the new system which in my opinion was worse than the original, and so I withdrew from moderating. Lack of communication is one of my pet peeves, and I rather have a dragged out fight than silence and censorship. But I'm an original New Yorker, for those out there who might understand.........
I was very vocal in my disdain for the then new system of moderating, where no one knew each other, there was no accountability, and some of the precious relationships that had developed among moderators vanished along with the awful ones.
Perhaps the pendulum will swing back one day, and we will all know who is moderating and what they are doing and why. Accountability is always a good thing. But I won't hold my breath until it happens. In the meantime, I wish many of the Curezoners who feel the most attacked will come to the realization that no matter what system is put in place, CZ represents a slice of humanity and all that it is capable of, positive and negative wise. Systems and methods can be helpful, but they will never accomplish a panacea. The lessons to be learned in all of this must be hidden away in the background, ready to be found only after the most excrutiating experiences on the Internet. Sylvette summed it up best ( although in his ususal indelicate modus operandi...LOL!)
If anyone is to stay active on CZ or any other huge website for any length of time, then they either have to develop a thick skin or pull back. That's it. Hopefully, the desire to share information with those who desperately need it willl be greater than any personal desire to be recognized. Genuine altruism comes only after a triumphant travel through the obstacle course. At this point, I'm reminded of my all-time favorite quote: " The responsibility of tolerance lies in the eyes of the man with the widest vision" - - George Elliot... .(I think..)
By the way Spud, congratulations on your World Forum, it's going well. Glad you persisted past those of us who nayed you.... ;-)