Re: Will the rest of Curzones attack team sign in please!N/m
well, Ryan is not the only member that saw the thread and the post in the "truth" forum, I saw those posts as well.
Of course the only way for the rest of CZ to form an opinion would be if those posts were restored, unhidden.
I don't really see the point in that, though.
I think that this could be a good lesson in the pitfalls of forming "alliances" on CZ and using the PM system in order to recruit sentiment for or against ideas or posters that one finds to be offensive in some way.
Eventually, those tactics will bight you in the a$$. Either because you will make peace with a former "enemy", or because you will reveal your agenda inadvertently through your postings. Or you will lose credibility because of a seeming blind love or loyalty.
CZ alliances are temporary at best. You will change, I will change, our opinions will change.
CZ has become quite the peyton place since the advent of the PM system, I've gotten caught up in it myself. It's a difficult situation when someone you "like" is actively campaigning against someone else you "like".
Best to stay neutral. I speak from the experience of having NOT stayed neutral in relation to controversial posters.
Hopefully I am past that.
Big hugs to EVERYBODY~!