I hope someone could straighten out a matter that's confusing me about capsules and tinctures. I know tinctures get the herbs into the bloodstream quicker but i've just read somewhere on curezone that if you need a lot of healing (e.g a badly healed or smashed up bone) then capsules are easier to take in large doses. I'm actually looking to dissolve and rebuild a very poorly reset bone break and skin damage and am wanting to take (amongst other things) dr christopher's bf&c remedy. The suggestion was 50-100 capsules a day but what would this be when translated into tincture dropperfuls per day?
The writer also said initial surgery can prevent any future healing so you're stuck with what you've got- my personal feeling/logic is that surely the body, if given the right tools, will heal anything regardless of what part of the body is damaged or how the trauma was treated initially-does anyone have any thoughts on/experience of this