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Re: What will your legacy be?
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 1,185
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Re: What will your legacy be?

Maya is being very straight here, WIEL,

"... I'm even ashamed to admit that I was part of that. I supported ML even when he was bullying others because for some strange reason I believed he would change."

And yet many, like myself, have been CZ members for quite awhile (for me, 8 or nine years, off and on!)and know Maya for far more than her input on the ML forum. She has given freely and generously to many many poeople on many forums.

( I too was sorry to see so many helpful posts gone). She paid a price for her persistent loyalty to ML, often in the face of almost everyone mocking her, amazed, friends standing against her (in wonderment) and asking where the 'real' Invincible was. You see, I mention that to let you know there is no whim of destructiveness at work here--but rather a genuine frustration, a wish to clearly help -- not merely one person, but that this help extend and prove real; and now, there is a clear-sightedness of what that help is deemed worth.

Anyway, that is the past -- the overarching present facts and bigger picture that some can now see are that there is much more to Life than any one CZ forum, and even any one forums's best offerings or "messenger" as ML has called himself. No one wishes him ill. Even his "detractors" have only ever been frustrated that his actions (his speech and thoughts)divide, at least in part, rather than do what they claim to wish to do. No one is above Comeuppance though. That is a blessing set in place by God, to allow for a re-setting of one's inner-outer course! One's deepest alignment.

Comeuppance or 'karmuppance' is what ML refers to as cursings coming from others, when one goes against God's Will. Maybe it was never God's will that ML take on the burden of setting others straight on everything from the state of their spines, to their intelligence, to their relationship with the Divine, based on their sexual orientation or other matters that are between oneself and God. Maybe the spiritual (all things of Spirit) can be left somewhat unmangled, (?) in all ways, and postings could simply 'by the fruits' of their more subtle energy 'prove' their devotion to God, or to Spirit, or the best word you choose.
We had a prime minister in this country (Canada) who is much missed. His kind may never come again. He once said, "the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation". The words of a peacemaker, not a 'sinner'. I often reflect that much of what made him so beloved was that he never had any actual desire to be in politics. He only was someone with an insatiable drive to learn and to locate the truth.

Surely it's motivation enough to want to serve others' well-being? And yet, that very stated repentance and mission statement of Moreless's has always soon been followed up by posts announcing rules, threatenign new controls, and claiming others are forcing their biliefs on him -- when it is really the opposite. People put up with the peppering of lectures because they feel a desperation to be well. A God-given right, by the way--not something anyone needs to/ought to come begging for. It is a privilege to serve God in the sense of serving the "older brother's" brothers,(this includes sisters) and thereby loving one's neighbour as oneself. It is not for others to pledge allegiance by continually bowing tongue-bitten at the foot of the raving, in hopes of a crumb that answers their quest-ion.

It's good sometimes for everyone to stop to consider what they value, why, and what the motivation is behind their actions.

Sometimes, it takes a certain contrast to allow the light the increase. Sort of a dry spell before a luxuriant rain. That's the view I point myself toward. As Moreless has himself often reiterated, don't blame the messenger. I agree that ML's words look harsh, coming through Maya's 'mouth'-- the why of that is worth deeply considering, in my view.




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