Re: Candida thrives on Lemon Juice
I am confused - I thought you were dying of cancer due to lemon juice? Now you say that lemon juice, and apple cider, cause candida? Other than your personal opinion and belief that it may be true in your case, or perhaps with other family members, what proof do you have? I can find none, the same as I can find no proof when I follow your suggestion to "Look up information on drug addicts dying from fungal infections from lemon juice". What I do find, in abundance, is information about the benefits of lemon juice, and the same for apple cider vinegar, for both cancer and for candida.
You say that all those people in your family had various problems due to lemon juice. How do you KNOW that it was due to lemon juice? I bet they all drank water too. Smelled roses, played cards, went to school, watched movies, read books, crossed the street, looked up at the moon . . . I mean, you can make any number of connections between common things people who have gotten candida and/or cancer may have done, but where exactly is the evidence of any causal link?
Now, if you consumed a lot of artificially colored and flavored lemonade with high sugar or high fructose corn syrum, or aspartame, you might be making more sense to me . . .