Re: Stop Press! Breakthrough? Ozone decomposes Trimethylamine to non odorous compunds...
I came across your post last week. What you said in your post made a lot of sense to me. So, I have been internet searching to verify the information you provided, and collect as much information as I can on ozone generators.
I thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts. If this works it will truly be the answer to countless hours or prayer, fasting and believing for a treatment/ cure.
I do have a couple of questions for you, if you don’t mind.
1)What exactly were your symptoms? Was it a fecal, garbage, or fish odor? Was it an intermittent problem or was the odor consistent? How long have you suffered from it? When did it first occur?
2)Was drinking the ozonated water 100% effective against the odor? How long did it take before you saw measurable improvement? Does it continue to be effective? Have there been any negative side effects?
3)I know you said you didn’t want to disclose the generator you used, for understandable reasons, but can you tell me which one you use? Was it medical grade or just a small portable one? I ask because the medical grade generators are a little pricey, and unfortunately I’ve spent so much on ineffective treatments for this problem, that my funds are pretty depleted. So, I wanted to purchase one that is effective at the lowest price.
Thank you
Still Hopeful