Re: Jesus was NOT a Jew
It amazes me how people can get lost in meaningless things like this. Who cares if he was a Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, drunk Irishmen or Taoist?
What about his message? His nationality is more important? Now that I think about it, it's a lot easier to sit here and debate meaningless stuff like this instead of changing the world starting from inside each of us; and that's why the world is in the mess it is.
I dare anyone to say the world wouldn't be a far greater place if people followed what he stood for. This forum wouldn't be here if that happened.
Since people are still lost in mental sludge, here we are complaining about how evil other people and their societies are with no one willing to stand up for a solution.
Let's stay divided like they want and keep arguing over how many leaves and what type of leaf are on a branch and how many branches are on the tree while someone else simply walks up and eats the fruit we came for.