The problem is integrity
ghandi set india free without one bullet... using force in any manner is not the answer.
The root of the problem is integrity, the world is full of corrupt people willing to take advantage of others with the ends always justifying their means. Narcissists being at the far end of the spectrum. And these people have always existed through out all of history.
Now if there is a whole group of corrupt people at the top, that was removed... we just need to remember that there is a whole new group of corrupt people willing to take their place. And as it has been said "Its better to dance with the devil you know, than the devil you dont".
There are only 2 solutions to corruption. One is to wipe corruption out from the face of the planet... which is pretty much impossible without killing off the entire human race. And trying to distinguish the corrupt from good men is impossible at this time. The other is eternal vigilance...
"By their fruits you will know them"
Banks used to lend money to people for a mortgage if they could come up with 10% of the down payment and had a steady income for atleast 5 years. This showed integrity on the part of the borrower to be able to save money and pay their bills. The next step was credit ratings and whatnot. If a person has a good credit rating, it means they pay back what they borrow.
And if a person has bad credit now, they can improve it over the course of seven years by paying their bills on time. Which is very much important.
I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that in this housing crisis american lenders were not doing credit checks or ensuring that borrowers saved 10% for the down payment on their homes. Not to mention not doing back ground checks on peoples income, to ensure it were accurate.
I am using the above as an example of a system of vigilance used to sift out the people with financial integrity from those who do not have financial integrity. People always try to take advantage of any system. "Give an inch, and they take a mile". Many of the people on the bottom are no better than the people at the top. Corruption is everywhere.
So the only way that I see of taking the world back is to set up systems of vigilance much like those used in the banking system. Of course there will be people who manipulate them, but over time they will be weeded out. Systems always get better as they go.
Lie Detector Tests, Integrity Tests, Drug and Alcohol Tests, Criminal Records, Credit Ratings, Associations, personality profiling (great for weeding out narcissists). These are just a few systems, now each on their own is kinda sketchy. But if a person starts setting off flags in several areas... maybe they should be checked out, and not let to run in office or be a doctor.
Imagine an integrity rating based on all of the above and more... works just like the credit system. Where a person can improve it over time by just by being a good citizen. And imagine this, only people with overall good ratings could vote.
I personally believe in oligarchy. An oligarchy of people with integrity... people who pay their bills, who dont associate with criminals, who dont have criminal records, who dont fail drug and alcohol tests, and arent narcissits.
Anyone who cant meet a certain score wouldnt be allowed to be in certain positions of power... like at the top of a bank. Or running a union, being a Doctor, or a General. Or even being a politician.