Re: There is no birthright citizenship to illegal aliens....
Illegal meaning brown people are illegal... Do you go back to Plymouth Rock and ask if the pilgrims are illegal?
So your point is what?The La Reconquista agenda? Whitey has no rights? He came here illegally 400 years ago so anybody else who can come here illegally can stay too. And of course that goes double for Mexicans. Thats basically a declaration of war on whitey.
As far as the other comment in a post I made 6 years ago about something that happened a few years before that, what are you asking exactly? I am for labor unions. Is that the answer you were looking for?
Who ran you out of town? Is that the kind of town you want to live in? Thats Mexico in a nutshell. Even the chief of police of Juarez is too frightened to keep his job.
Will you be happy when the USA becomes Mexico,where rape isnt a crime,the murder of women is unnoticed,corruption is total,the minimum wage is 50cents an hour,macho violence is the culture,the streets are full of heads and bodies not connected? YOu are too sophisticated to enjoy that kind of situation.