The article was absolutely wonderful and I learned alot but there should be a warning attached.
Pregnant women should not take supplements without there Doctor's approval as in such cases with ginger and other.
If you are taking pharmaceuticals, never take supplements without your doctors approval. In some cases they can cause severe problems.
Take the supplements alone and that is great.
Cardamon is great and yes we use it in arabic coffee for taste. Crush a handful of seeds and drop in in your pot and then add the coffee and let sit in for ten minutes an it is the best enhancer.
Loved the recipe for curry and the recipes for poltice.
All around great article.
Yes, you need to take around 6-9 caps of tumeric a day expecially if you are sick. I personally do not take as much only as a preventitive. I take 2 caps only and when I am sick more. I recommend to Alzheimers patients to take 9 or more.