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Re: Leaky what?
jfh Views: 1,975
Published: 17 y
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Re: Leaky what?

" If peoples' guts were leaking, . . . those people would quickly die from septicemia." That is true, if undigested food particles made it through the intestinal walls. I think moreless or another forum was indicating the same thing. In that context, it is true.

However with Leaky Gut Syndrome, it is larger food molecules that seep through. This can happen when the intestinal wall has become permeable due to disease. My theory is that Candida or fungus, over a long term can cause the problem by having the "roots" grow through the lining. Then the larger food molecules are soaked up and passed through; much like a sponge would do. Just my theory.

In the allopathic world there is a test for LGS. I don't know what kind of drug they give for it. This is from the article that MsPep posted. Anyway, here is an excerpt.

"In Andre's protocol, patients with suspected food allergy ingest 5 grams each of the innocuous sugars lactulose and mannitol. These sugars are not metabolized by humans and the amount absorbed is fully excreted in the urine within six hours. Mannitol, a monosaccharide, is passively transported through intestinal epithelial cells; mean absorption is 14% of the administered dose (range 5-25%). In contrast, the intestinal tract is impermeable to lactulose, a disaccharide; less than 1% of the administered dose is normally absorbed. The differential excretion of lactulose and mannitol in urine is then measured. The normal ratio of lactulose/mannitol recovered in urine is less than 0.03. A higher ratio signifies excessive lactulose absorption caused by disruption of the desmosomes which seal the intercellular tight junctions. The lactulose/mannitol challenge test is performed fasting and again after ingestion of a test meal. At the Hospital St. Vincent de Paul in Paris, permeability testing has been effectively used with allergic infants to determine which dietary modifications their mothers needed to make while breast feeding and which of the "hypoallergenic" infant formulas they needed to avoid in order to relieve their symptoms [60]." --



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