Re: Responsibility . . .
Hello cbenghauser,
As a first time visitor to your forum, I respectfully request that you do not delete this post before members have had a chance to peruse the merits or otherwise of its contents.
I respect your own views and stance on herbalism and its merits on promoting health and health-recovery, as you have mentioned in your own post that I am replying to, that the herbal ingredients for a Liver-tonic (for example) need to be tailor-made to the individual concerned.
What I take issue with is the poster you referred in a different forum as having serious and traumatic side-effects when into several days of fasting, and the best advice was to "EAT SOMETHING"!!
I am not aware of the particular case you refer to, but fasting has been shown to be as safe as eating and as natural as life itself. Fasting has been used from time immemorial as Natures first choice in the recovery from disease and injury, so there is absolutely no risk to the vital signs of the body, where they could have been (as you refer to) "perilously close to serious harm".
However, if the mental state of the faster had shown signs of mental instability and/or suicidal tendencies, then a supervised fast by a qualified person should have been the order of the day.
I cannot be sure as to your views on fasting, but I think that this link may enlighten some readers (if not yourself) as to its true & unique value in health-maintenance and health-recovery.