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Re: nutritional content of organically grown food higher than in conventionally grown food
NancyAng Views: 2,211
Published: 17 y
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Re: nutritional content of organically grown food higher than in conventionally grown food

This whole conversation ignores what I think is the underlying problem. People who are not getting enough of said minerals and vitamins aren't eating vegetables.

Seriously, all the sickest people I know don't eat enough "living food". Vitamins and mineral tablets are marketed to those "who don't always eat right".

I think that if a person ate a lot of vegetables and fruit, they would get everything that they needed. And I'm sure that increasing the quality of their digestion would also help get them what they needed, but the building blocks have to be there. Perhaps our vegetables don't contain as much raw minerals as they used to, but you can't get ANY minerals out of a vegetable if you don't eat it.


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