Re: what??
Where were you when this thread was fresh and
why are you here now trying to kick Pepe and I
around?? The entire issue was about someone
feeling that they had the right to post debate
issues in the support forum. I would direct you
to the
TOS (terms of service)~~
and posting guideline~~
which you also agreed to as terms of opening
an account.
As you can see, eventually Charlie was able
to understand it had nothing to do with his
opinion, but in its placement.
So, if you are debating this, you are in the
right place, but I am still not clear what
your problem is with me??
There is no rule on the length of a post so it
is your choice to read mine or not. I will
write what I feel I need to or want to in order
to clarify either information I am offering the
reader, or my position on a topic.
If this is a problem for you...just do not click
on my posts~!
be happy, be well,