Re: Free social sites and niche H sites, which do you prefer?
There are a number of sites around with herpes and STD dating as a feature. I've had herpes for over 10 years and have been married to a woman for several years who is negative for both types. When I was dating, I didn't restrict myself to dating only women who knew that they already had it. While the proportion of the adult population that has genital HSV2 is fairly high, approaching 25%, the majority of infected people don't know that they have it.
Here are some sites that I'm aware of that fall into the herpes friendly category:
The oldest one is
Meet People with Herpes They've been around for at least 10 years that I know of.
A new one that looks interesting is
Club462 They're just getting started.
Another one is
Positive Singles Who has been online for at couple of years and seems to be active.
For general support, information and socializing with people who have herpes, the friendliest one I'm aware of is
The Original Herpes Home Page which has been online for almost 12 years now.