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"A sufficient basis to open a full field investigation on pay-to-play grounds..."
By Joe Hoft
Published October 15, 2022 at 12:00pm
While working at the Eastern District of New York’s Department of Justice in the early 1990’s, Andrew Weissmann was known as a “pathological liar”. This is the same man involved in corrupt acts in the Enron Task Force and the same man who reportedly led the Mueller Special Counsel.
Sidney Powell shared her perspectives of Weissmann in an exclusive interview with TGP yesterday.
[See below links to articles and information we shared on Andrew Weissmann over the past week. Andrew Weissmann has been involved in major cases over the past three decades while at the US DOJ.]
Attorney Sidney Powell is an expert on Department of Justice corruption and she followed the career of Democrat hatchetman Andrew Weissmann who destroyed thousands of lives during his career as a federal prosecutor.
Powell wrote LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice after seeing a core group of federal prosecutors break all the rules, make up crimes, hide evidence, and send innocent people to prison in the Enron case in the mid-2000s.
Yesterday, attorney Sidney Powell joined TGP to discuss Weissmann, one of the primary subjects regarding corruption in the DOJ in her book, “Licensed to Lie“.
Powell is well versed in the actions taken by Weissmann while part of the Enron Task Force. She shares:
Well you might say I literally wrote the book on Andrew Weissmann. I know you’ve cited Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice in your articles and his conduct in that goes back to the year 2000 and 2001 when he was named to the Enron Task Force. That was a group of prosecutors hand picked by the upper echelon of the Bush Administration and what desturbed me the most when I came across it, was they were hand picked not for being good, honest, ethical prosecutors but because they were quote ‘terrors’ of prosecutors which isn’t what a prosecutor is supposed to be. It’s the antithesis of what a prosecutor is supposed to be.
The hallmark of the Department of Justice for decades has been to seek justice not convictions and if that meant letting a guilty person go free to make sure the government did it all right, then that was supposed to happen.
But Mr. Weissman, he couldn’t spell the word ‘ethics’ despite the fact somebody actually had him teach a course in it one time, I think over in England. His mantra is ‘the end justifies the means’… he targets people, individuals. And you’re right, I had no doubt from the moment he was picked for the Mueller Special Counsel operation, that he would have filed RICO charges against President Trump and seized every asset he ever had, if there had been any way he could do that.
He’s just filled with hatred for apparently most Americans and certainly anybody affiliated with President Trump. And he’s willing to do anything to destroy them.
Powell then went on to discuss Weissmann’s actions in the Enron Task Force and how he made the crime up against Authur Andersen which cost more than 80,000 Americans their jobs. She discussed “typical Weissmann prosecutorial terror tactics”.
Powell then discussed the Mueller Special Counsel and Weissmann’s actions there. She shared:
I knew as soon as Mueller picked Weissmann for the Special Counsel operation, it was going to be a witchhunt using his prosecutorial terror tactics.
Powell then discussed the numerous characters connected to Weissmann that were elevated in the DOJ along with him. Then she discussed the Mueller gang and how they created any number of process crimes. They made up a crime against General Flynn as well, “They made up the entire case against him.”
After discussing General Flynn’s case, Powell discussed the actions taken against Paul Manafort by the Weissmann gang:
Manafort wound up in solitary confinement just like Enron Treasurer Ben Glisan did when he didn’t say what Mr. Weissmann wanted him to say back in the Enron Task Force prosecutors’ days. And of course the same thing that’s happening to January 6 defendents now. It’s like the Department of Justice has decided to use Andrew Weissmann’s playbook…
…Many Americans have been absolutely appalled at the way this Department of Justice has treated the Jan 6 prisoners, far worse than many of the inmates at Guantanamo Bay. In fact, I think the Jan 6 prisoners wrote a letter recently requesting that they be transferred to Guantanamo where they’d be in far more sanitary conditions than they are now. And I do not understand how this is being allowed to occur in this country…
…because it’s conservatives, many of whom are former military or served in law enforcement, they have just sought to crucify them. It’s absolutely abominable how bad it is. After the election I started a non-profit C4 called “Defending the Republic”. And among the things we are doing is trying to provide representation for some of the January 6 defendents. There’s a huge need for that and the left has been so evil in the lawfare its conducted against so many of us, that it’s very difficult to get a lawyer to step forward and do their ethical duty and represent somebody who’s being charged by this administration.
It’s ruining the rule of law. It’s ruining our legal system. I’m very concerned about the state of the country right now and I can’t encourage everybody strongly enough on election day to go out and vote for every Republican candidate for office you can find. Some of them are not perfect but they’re definitely better than the left that is seeking to destry everything that made this country great.
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"Yet another example of liberals shredding the 1st Amendment to deny the 2nd."
By Patty McMurray
Published September 1, 2022 at 5:00pm
Yahoo News reports – Trump told Bell he’s “financially supporting people that are incredible,” and that he recently hosted some of the Jan 6 defendants in his office. “It’s a disgrace what they’ve done to them,” Trump explained, referring to sweeping Justice Department and FBI investigations of the deadly insurrection.
“They’re firemen, they’re policemen, they’re people in the military,” Trump said of the defendants, adding that his legal team has been “working on it very hard.”
After 2.5 years of abuse while awaiting trial, President Trump said he would look “very favorably” about giving the abused January 6 defendants “full pardons.”
“I’m looking at it very carefully … I’ve studied cases,” Trump said. “We have to do it, because they have some good lawyers but even [with] the good lawyers … you get some of these judges that are so, so nasty and so angry and mean.”
“And I will tell you, I will look very, very favorably about, about full pardons. If I decide to run and if I win, I will be looking very, very strong about pardons.
Full pardons.
“I think that’s probably going to be the best because even if they go for, for two months or six months and you know, they have sentences that are a lot longer than that, but we’ll be looking very, very seriously at full pardons, because we can’t let that happen. “And I mean full pardons with an apology to many.”
Watch at the 35:30 mark (posted below):
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